Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Region Agricultural
Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Colorado State University | Engagement and Extension | Rural Initiative

In June 2021, the CSU System Board of Governors voted to invest $8.58 million over the next three years in expanded support for rural Colorado students and communities. We are making these investments after listening to and learning from our communities, economic and community development leaders and individuals across the state. As we expand our rural initiative, we continue conversations. We listen and learn and work together with communities, evolving and enhancing our approach to serve the needs of Coloradans. This inclusive, statewide process led us to create key goals and the hire over a dozen rural initiative specialists who work to design and deliver programming that meets the unique needs of their communities.

Service areas: Colorado

Go to Website | Phone: 970-491-6281

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Unidos Bridging Community

Unidos Bridging Community (Unidos) is a community-based, non-profit organization serving Yamhill County, Oregon. Our mission is to promote the integration, participation, representation, and success of Latinx individuals and families in Yamhill County and to build bridges of understanding and support among Latinx and non-Latinx.

Established in 2012, the work of Unidos is accomplished through the education of community members, policy and community advocacy, immigration support, and leadership development in an environment where collaboration and relationship-building are essential.

Unidos collaborates with nonprofit organizations, local and state government agencies, health and education partners, faith organizations, and businesses in our activities. We recognize that our mission will be most successful when our Latinx community leaders have community support and access to resources and services necessary for families and communities to thrive.

Service areas: Oregon

Go to Website | Phone: (503)447-3408

Core Services: , , ,
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Community Action Partnership of Oregon

Continuing Commitment as a Culturally Responsive Network
Culturally responsive services are those that are respectful of, and relevant to, the beliefs, practices, culture and linguistic needs of diverse consumer/client populations and communities whose members identify as having particular cultural or linguistic affiliations by virtue of their place of birth, ancestry or ethnic origin, religion, preferred language or language spoken at home.

Cultural responsiveness describes the capacity to respond to the issues of diverse communities. It thus requires knowledge and capacity at different levels of intervention: systemic, organizational, professional and individual.


Service areas: Oregon

Go to Website | Phone: (503) 316-3951

Core Services: , ,
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OrCAN (Oregon Climate & Agriculture Network)

OrCAN was founded in 2017 as a volunteer-run effort laser focused on state-level policy advocacy at the intersection of climate change and agriculture. Today, we are building an inclusive and collaborative producer driven network, providing educational programming for technical assistance providers, and continuing to advance institutionalized support for soil health that works for a farmer’s bottom line.

With a state-wide bird’s eye view on the landscape of soil health on farms and ranches in Oregon, we work with farmers, researchers, technical assistance providers, non-profits, and policy makers. We have organized hundreds of stakeholders in support of incentivizing best practices for climate resilience in the state.

We are active members of the Oregon Community Food Systems Network, the National Healthy Soils Policy Network, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition and the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Western Cover Crop Council.

Service areas: Oregon

Go to Website | Phone:

Core Services: , ,
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Core Services:

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The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is supported by the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631

The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is an equal access/equal opportunity program.