Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Region Agricultural
Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC)

WORC is a regional network of 7 grassroots community organizations that include 10,000 members and 38 local chapters. WORC helps its member groups succeed by providing training and coordinating regional issue campaigns. WORC is focusing on environmental and family farming and ranching issues.

Service areas: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: 406.252.9672

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Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO)

AERO is a 32 year-old grassroots organization whose members are working together to improve the quality of their lives, their communities and the environment. A Montana-based nonprofit, AERO serves the needs of the people working to promote renewable energy and conservation, sustainable agriculture and greater community self-reliance. AERO is working to build sustainable food systems through a coalition of Montana partners who want to remove the policy barriers to the processing, distribution and trade of local Montana-grown food for local and regional markets.

Service areas: Montana, National

Go to Website | Phone: 406.443.7272

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Western Rural Development Center

The Western Rural Development Center is one of four regional centers funded by the USDA-CSREES to strengthen the capacity of local citizens and rural communities.

Service areas: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: 435.797.9731

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WA Grange

“The Grange is a fraternal, grassroots nonprofit organization rooted in agriculture and committed to providing the people of rural Washington a strong and respected voice among our elected officials.

Grange members devote countless hours in service to their communities, reaching out to make sure the elderly, young and vulnerable, veterans and those in need are given the attention they deserve.

Washington State Grange policy covers a wide range of issues. A revised State Grange policy handbook is published annually, prior to each session of the Legislature. The National Grange policy handbook is published each winter. Among the many State Grange policies are the following views which the organization favors:

The family farm as the basic unit of agricultural production in America.

Locally controlled land use planning to ensure the preservation of productive agricultural lands.

Multiple use concepts in forest management.

Full legislative funding of basic education as presently defined.

Publicly controlled utilities such as public utility districts and rural electric cooperatives.

Protection of private property and water rights.

Strict enforcement of laws against drunk driving.

Taxing farmland based on its current use.

Accessible and affordable health care.”

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone: 1-800-854-1635

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Rural Resources

“Since 1965, Rural Resources Community Action has helped residents of Northeastern Washington help themselves and each other. Through education, resources and support, we offer real hope to children, seniors and families, by working to create a stronger and more stable community for us all.

Each year, over 14,000 people in communities throughout Eastern Washington turn to Rural Resources for short-term assistance and long-term solutions to help them take control of their lives and their futures”

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

Core Services: , , , ,
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WA Association of Conservation Districts

“The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) and the state’s 45 conservation districts deliver tools and programs that strengthen farmland preservation, soil health, and our agricultural economy.”; programs include Ag Equipment Rentals and Resources, Burn Programs, Landscape Scale Planning, Shellfish, and Nutrient Management

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

Core Services: , , , , , , , , , ,
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Washington State University Food Systems Program

“The Washington State University Food Systems Program delivers multidisciplinary expertise across academic, research, and extension, providing specialized resources for farmers and food systems contributors. Our work is guided by an interdisciplinary team made up of WSU Faculty, Staff, and critical non-WSU partners. We seek to work with communities throughout the state to foster viable farm businesses, optimize sustainable natural resource stewardship, and to promote scaled processing and distribution, always in the pursuit of access to healthy food for all.”

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone: 360.379.5610 ext 212 office

Core Services: , , , , , , , , ,
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Vets CAFE (Veterans’ Ecological Trades Collective, 501c3Studies in Conservation, Agriculture, Forestry and Ecology)

“The Veterans’ Ecological Trades Collective exists to support veterans and allies in acquiring skills that launch or refine careers in Conservation, Agriculture, Forestry and Ecological Design.”

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

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Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians

““ATNI, as a nonprofit organization, has its structure built around programming of technical assistance, training, information sharing, and providing appropriate platforms to develop strategically policy that serves our member tribes and leadership.” Programs areas include Climate Change, Energy and Natural Resources.

Service areas: Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington

Go to Website | Phone: Headquarters (Portland, OR): 503.249.5770; Spokane Office: 509.209.2417

Core Services: , , ,
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The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is supported by the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631

The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is an equal access/equal opportunity program.