Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Region Agricultural
Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

WSDA Office of Compliance and Outreach

The WA legislature eliminated funding for the Small Farm & Direct Marketing Program at the Washington State Dept. of Agriculture as of June 30, 2011. The knowledgeable staff from that program have been retained within the agency, now serving as Education & Outreach Specialists for the Office of Compliance and Outreach in the Food Safety and Consumer Services Division. We continue to strive to assist farmers and food processors with regulatory issues as well as education around food safety and compliance. Thanks to federal grant funding we are also active in Farm to School and Value-added Processing workshops. www.agr.wa.gov;

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone: 360.656.5063

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Nourish Colorado

We channel funding to and provide training and technical assistance to local growers through a variety of programs to help support local economies and increase access to healthy foods. We manage statewide Double Up Food Bucks (SNAP incentive), WIC and Older Adult CSA, and various farm to school/local procurement initiatives.

Service areas: Colorado

Go to Website | Phone:

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U.S. Farm Stay Association (dba Farm Stay USA)

Business planning toolkit and webinar instruction for setting up lodging on your farm. One-on-one advising from land acquisition to structures to insurance to marketing to reservation systems and more. Best practices answers to all questions with resources available. Referrals to similar businesses in their state.

Service areas: National

Go to Website | Phone:

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Pacific Northwest CSA Coalition

Workshops on how to run a CSA program, marketing to CSA customers, assistance to farmers who want to offer their CSA shares to SNAP recipients, providing nutrition incentive programs to make CSA shares accessible, business planning workshops

Service areas: Oregon, Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

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Idaho Cultivating Success: Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Education Program

Whole Farm Planning, Financial Planning, Sustainable Crop & Livestock Production, and Land Access short courses and workshops; Small Acreage Farming & Ranching webinars, beginning farmer hands-on practicums.

Service areas: Idaho

Go to Website | Phone:

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Cultivating Success

Educational programs to increase the number and foster the success of sustainable small farmers and ranchers in WA. The goal of these educational opportunities is to provide beginning and existing farmers with the planning and decision-making tools, production skills, and support necessary to develop a sustainable farm or food business. Cultivating Success? connects the student with farmers and exposes them to real world situations through a community-based, experiential approach. Foundational Courses: Is a Small Farm in Your Future? This one day, workshop?style, entry level course is designed for anyone interested in exploring options for a small farm enterprise. This may include individuals new to farming as well as more experienced farmers looking to change directions or add a new component to their existing farm operation. Whole Farm Planning We?ll cover a broad overview of production and marketing options for today?s small farm! Whether you are just exploring the opportunities available or already have an existing operation, you?ll learn what it takes to create, sustain, and grow a viable small farm. Agricultural Entrepeneurship This in-depth farm and food business planning course will help you create a business plan that you can literally take to the bank to finance a new enterprise or expand an existing one. Because navigating the ins and outs of food related businesses is not easy, this course will have a special emphasis on the financial and legal issues unique to farm-based businesses and will feature a full line-up of guest speakers including bankers, business professionals, and successful farm and food biz owners.

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

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Colorado Department of Agriculture

Please refer to our website for info on various programs and services: https://ag.colorado.gov/

Service areas: Colorado

Go to Website | Phone:

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Colorado Conservation Tillage Association

CCTA hosts educational conferences on soil health, no-till, regenerative grazing, and other conservation topics geared to producers in the High Plains region. The organization is also involved in grant opportunities such as the Soil Health Demo FARMS: Farmers Advancing Regenerative Management Systems.

Service areas: Colorado

Go to Website | Phone:

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California Aquaculture Association

The California Aquaculture Association promotes commercial production of plants and animals in aquatic systems to satisfy the needs of consumers for wholesome products that are produced by sustainable means conserving California’s land and water resources.

Service areas: California

Go to Website | Phone:

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SARE – AZ (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Arizona)

The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program is a competitive grants and education program operating in every state and island protectorate to advance sustainable innovation to American agriculture. AZ SARE is in the Western SARE region.

Service areas: Arizona

Go to Website | Phone: (928) 428-2432

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The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is supported by the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631

The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is an equal access/equal opportunity program.