Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Region Agricultural
Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund

Services include: unlimited consultation with attorneys on matters within the FTCLDF mission statement; contractual documents, e.g., herdshare contracts, buyers club agreements, etc.; access to information clearinghouse for those working on state legislation and local ordinances; consultation with attorneys on matters related to food buyers club setup and operations; access to presentations by Charlotte Smith on matters related to marketing farm and artisan foods; toll-free emergency hotline to speak with an attorney if there is a surprise visit or inspection from a government agency; the possibility of legal representation on matters that are within FTCLDF?s mission statement at no additional cost.

Service areas: National

Go to Website | Phone:

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Idaho Cultivating Success: Small Acreage Farming & Ranching Education Program

Whole Farm Planning, Financial Planning, Sustainable Crop & Livestock Production, and Land Access short courses and workshops; Small Acreage Farming & Ranching webinars, beginning farmer hands-on practicums.

Service areas: Idaho

Go to Website | Phone:

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American Samoa Community College

Assistance with agriculture production (crops & livestock), invasive species control, agriculture pests and diseases, hydroponics, aquaculture, vegetable gardening, farm safety, food safety, pesticides training, forestry management plans, watershed management, forest health, conservation practices, and others.

Service areas: American Samoa

Go to Website | Phone: (684) 699-9155

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University of Idaho Extension

University of Idaho Extension provides educational opportunities in the general areas of agriculture, natural resources, families, youth, and community development. They help people improve the social and economic, and environmental qualities of their lives through research-based education and leadership development focused on issues and needs. The home office also offers short classes and workshops on topics like farm/ranch management, FINPACK, and marketing. They work on potatoes, grain, beef and dairy as the major commodities, in addition to other crops. Offices are located in 42 of Idaho’s 44 counties and on 3 Indian reservations. The following site offers a map to locate county Extension offices: http://www.extension.uidaho.edu/find.asp

Service areas: Idaho

Go to Website | Phone: 208-885-5883

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International Center for Appropriate and Sustainable Technology (iCAST)

iCAST offers turn-key services in sustainable agriculture focused on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Waste Utilization. iCAST specializes in a) technical and economic feasibility analysis, b) business plan development, c) process design, d) project implementation and management, and e) grant funding and market-based financing. iCAST partners with farmers and rural communities to develop solutions that are sustainable. iCAST projects use local resources for local benefit.

Service areas: Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: 303.462.4100

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Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network

The Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network is a national network of experts that assist on-the-ground efforts and each other in order to improve processing infrastructure and increase capacity for niche meats. The network provides assistance with technical problems, business planning, labor, communications, and food safety/regulatory expertise. Arion Thiboumery at Iowa State and Lauren Gwin at Oregon State are both primary contacts for the Network.

Service areas: Iowa, National, Oregon

Go to Website | Phone: (541) 806-1526

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California Climate & Agriculture Network (CALCAN)

The California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN) is a sustainable agriculture coalition that advances policy solutions at the nexus of climate change and sustainable agriculture. We provide resources to farmers and ranchers on the impacts of climate policy on California agriculture and on organic and sustainable practices that have climate benefits. We also advance policies that support and encourage farming and ranching practices that have climate benefits and other environmental co-benefits.

CalCAN represents the interests of small and medium-sized farmers and ranchers and socially disadvantaged farmers on climate policy at the state and federal level. We provide opportunities for farmers to engage in policy advocacy that creates resources and incentives for making a transition to climate smart farming practices.

Service areas: California

Go to Website | Phone: (916) 441-4042

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Ecological Farming Association

The Ecological Farming Association is a nonprofit educational organization that nurtures healthy and just farms, food systems, communities and environment by bringing people together for education, alliance building, advocacy and celebration.

Service areas: California

Go to Website | Phone: 831.763.2111

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Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau

The Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau is a grassroots non-profit organization founded by Hawaiʻi farmers and ranchers and working with organizations, communities and individuals involved in all aspects of the Agricultural Industry in Hawaiʻi. The Hawaiʻi Farm Bureau is organized to unify the County Farm Bureaus, thereby enhancing the knowledge, economic opportunity, prosperity, well being and happiness of its members; to analyze and resolve the problems that face agriculture through effective cooperation, planning and representation; to promote farmers’ and ranchers’ access to the physical, financial, intellectual, and human resources necessary for successful and profitable agriculture; and to ensure the protection and health of Hawaiʻi’s agricultural resources and the environment today and in the future.

Service areas: Hawaii

Go to Website | Phone: (808) 848-2074

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Western Rural Development Center

The Western Rural Development Center is one of four regional centers funded by the USDA-CSREES to strengthen the capacity of local citizens and rural communities.

Service areas: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: 435.797.9731

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The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is supported by the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631

The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is an equal access/equal opportunity program.