Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

Western Region Agricultural
Stress Assistance Program (WRASAP)

National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

The National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) has been promoting sustainable living for more than 40 years. We help people build resilient communities through local and sustainable solutions that reduce poverty, strengthen self-reliance, and protect natural resources. Programs we have developed and manage include ATTRA, the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service; Small-Scale Intensive Farm Training (SIFT); Energy Corps AmeriCorps; Montana FoodCorps; National Energy Assistance Referral (NEAR), and many more.

NCAT’s deep portfolio of sustainable agriculture and energy projects spans every region of the country. The geographic diversity of our work, and trusted expertise of our staff in each of these regions, allow NCAT to provide relevant information, individualized technical assistance, and in-depth resources to support sustainable agriculture and accessible energy solutions nationwide.

Plus, NCAT facilitates meaningful connections among sustainable agriculture producers, renewable energy and energy efficiency experts, innovative thought leaders, researchers, and industry professionals across the United States

Service areas: National

Go to Website | Phone: 800-275-6228

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Angel Flight West

We are a 40-year-old nonprofit that provides free flights for those in medical/other compelling need through our generous volunteer pilot network in 12 Western US states. Though we’re best known for linking passengers to valuable medical resources, we also provide transportation for other humanitarian purposes, such as individuals and families escaping domestic violence, human trafficking, disaster relief, therapeutic programs for veterans, and children’s specialty camps.

Service areas: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: (310) 390-2958

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Idaho State Department of Agriculture

Contact the department for a range of services and programs, including organic certification, Idaho Preferred, and the Idaho Farm and Ranch Center.

Service areas: Idaho

Go to Website | Phone: 208.332.8500

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Idaho Farm and Ranch Center

The mission of the Idaho Farm and Ranch Center is to collaborate with partners to promote resources and organize efforts that help farmers and ranchers cultivate a viable and resilient agricultural industry. We strive to be a central location for information and help with succession planning, farm stress, financial planning, new and beginning farmers, and veterans in agriculture. Our mission is accomplished by providing workshops, an annual conference, and working with industry partners to collect and distribute resources.

Service areas: Idaho

Go to Website | Phone:

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Wyoming 211

Wyoming 211 makes it easy to find food, housing, job training and much more. Wyoming 211 provides the most current and comprehensive database of community resources in the State of Wyoming including mental health services. We offer a search tool for counseling services as well. Wyoming 211 operators have training to understand the unique circumstances farmers face.

Service areas: Wyoming

Go to Website | Phone: 1-888-425-7138

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Farm Credit

We serve every part of agriculture from the smallest operations to the largest and everything in between. Whether helping a young farm family begin, supporting our veterans as they return home and take up farming or financing U.S. agricultural exports around the globe, Farm Credit is committed to the success of American agriculture. Our loans and related financial services support farmers and ranchers, farmer-owned cooperatives and other agribusinesses, rural homebuyers and companies exporting U.S. ag products around the world.

Service areas: National

Go to Website | Phone:

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Cutting Fences Foundation

The Cutting Fences Foundation is devoted to strengthening physical and mental wellness through cultivating connection, advocacy, accessibility, prevention, and possibility for agricultural and veteran communities Occupational therapy at no cost to agricultural producers in Montana, advocacy podcast, advocacy speaking, quality of life crisis fund

Service areas: Montana

Go to Website | Phone: 406-217-1166

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Business Impact NW

Business Impact NW is a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) dedicated to serving underbanked entrepreneurs. We provide coaching, classes, and access to capital to community small businesses, with an emphasis on working with traditionally underserved populations, entrepreneurial low/moderate income earners, women, BIPOC, veterans, immigrants or members of the LGBTQ+ community. We have been serving the community since 1997. We promote long-term positive economic change through financial services, business advice and training. We serve startups as well as existing businesses and are dedicated to helping underserved entrepreneurs at every stage in their business growth.

Service areas: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington

Go to Website | Phone: 206-324-4330

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Washington State Agrability

Washington AgrAbility offers consultation services and education to connect you and your family to resources which promote well-being in the workplace and reduce risk of secondary injury. Washington State AgrAbility Project does not purchase individual equipment; however, you will be connected with resources available.

How We Can Help
Provide education about practices, accommodations, and available tools to ensure a safe return to the workplace post-injury or health concern
Collaborate with partners, providers, and agencies to ensure information and delivery of services are available for farmers and agriculture workers returning to work.

Service areas: Washington

Go to Website | Phone:

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Oregon State University Coast to Forest: Mental Health Promotion in Rural Oregon

The Coast to Forest collaboration between the OSU Extension Family and Community Health Program and the OSU Center for Health Innovation works on mental health promotion and substance misuse prevention. Our goals work to: Reduce opioid misuse and abuse and their underlying causes and consequences Improve mental health and well-being in four rural or frontier Oregon counties: Lincoln, Tillamook, Baker, and Union The Coast to Forest initiative builds upon existing state and community strengths and resources. This includes a growing network of community health workers, radio stations covering communities health and wellness, community-level partnerships and an expanding Mental Health First Aid network.

Service areas: Oregon

Go to Website | Phone:

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The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is supported by the USDA Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network, under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631

The Western Region Agricultural Stress Assistance Program is an equal access/equal opportunity program.