WRASAP Mini Grants Program

This is a list of Mini Grants awarded under the FY2020 WRASAP program, agreement number 2020-70028-32731 proposal number 2020-07631


As of July 2023, the FY2020 WRASAP mini grant program has closed.

We'd like to thank all the mini grant awardees for all their hard work and successes in reducing agricultural stress in the western region and for making the mini grants program such a successful and amazing program.

Mini Grant Projects Funded 2024 - 2021


The following mini grants were awarded under agreement number: 2023-70028-41285 proposal number: 2023-08871.

Wahine Farmers Wellness Workshops Kauai and Maui (2 awards)

Outreach and Education, Nene’s Living Food, Renee Baker, HI


Building Capacity for Mental Health Education and Extension in Micronesia

Professional Development, Kuan-Ju Chen, University of Guam


WRASAP Mini Grant for Professional Development

Professional Development, University of Wyoming Extension of Natrona County, Donna Hoffman, WY


In-Person Peer Support Training

Outreach and Education, Growing Veterans – Jered Bocek, WA


Attend AgrAbility Regional Conference October 29-31

Professional Development, Ask in Earnest - Darla Tyler McSherry, MT


Guam AgrAbility Regional Workshop: Supporting Sustainable Knowledge Continuance in Agriculture and Mental Health within the Western Pacific

Professional Development, Kuan-Ju Chen, University of Guam


Building Resilience through Community and Peer Support for Quivira’s New Agrarians

Outreach and Education, Quivira Coalition – Leah Ricci, NM


Interactive Mental Health Materials and Workshops for Spanish and Mixtec-Speaking Women

Translation, Cal Poly Corporation – Cristina Macedo MSW, CA


Northern Arizona Women in Agriculture Health and Wellness Needs Assessment

Outreach and Education, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension – Gayle Gratop, AZ


Research Presentation at National FRSAN Meeting – travel funds

Outreach and Education, Montana State University – Michelle Grocke-Dewey, MT



The following mini grants were awarded under agreement number: 2020-70028-32731 proposal number: 2020-07631.

Building  Capacity for Mental Health Education and Extension in Guam

Professional Development, Kuan Ju Chen, University of Guam


The 2023 AgrAbility National Training Workshop

Professional Development, Elena Velez


2023 AgrAbility National Training Workshop to Help support Ask In Earnest

Professional Development, Darla Tyler-McSherry, Ask In Earnest, MT


OT's Role in Agriculture

Professional Development, Brenda Fonseca, University of the Pacific & Cal AgrAbility, CA


COMET Training to Tailo

Professional Development, Annie Keeney, San Diego State University, CA


Tailoring Mental Health First Aid Training to Address the Secondhand Effects of Substance Abuse Among Hispanic/Latino Migrant Farmworkers

Outreach/Education, Annie Keeney, San Diego State University, CA


AgrAbility Regional Workshop in Hawaii

Professional Development, Elena Velez, CA


Ergonomic Safety & Health in Agriculture…A few issues and solutions

Professional Development, Candiss Leathers, Goodwill Colorado, Colorado AgrAbility, CO


AgrAbility Regional Workshop in Hawaii

Professional Development, Robert Fetch, Colorado AgrAbility, CO


MHFA Trainer Workforce Development

Professional Development, Danielle Smith, Valley-Wide Health Systems, CO


Building Stronger Communities: Enhancing Mental Health Education and Outreach Professional Development

Kuan Ju Chen, University of Guam


Licensed Occupational Therapist Networking in HI

Professional Development, Brenda Fonseca, University of the Pacific & Cal AgrAbility, CA


Developing Allied Skills at Malama the Farmer Conference- AgrAbility Regional Meeting Professional Development

Maria Dod, The Professional Tax Services, CA


Expanding Reach to Hawaii's Rural Farmers to help reduce production/financial stress Outreach/Education

Amjad Abdullah Ahmad, University of Hawaii at Manoa, HI


How do we feel about discussing mental health? Mental Health Needs Assessment

Outreach/Education, Whitney Stone, Oregon State University, OR


Hawaii's Ag Mental Health Mentor Program, Cohort #2

Outreach/Education, Thao N Le, University of Hawaii, HI


Homesteading for Healing - Phase 2

Outreach/Education, Dr Tabitha Garvin-Betancourt, Rocking Tree Farm, MT


The Ask In Earnest Education and Outreach Campaign in Ten Rural Montana Counties

Outreach/Education, Darla Tyler-McSherry, MT


Building and Strengthening the People of the Land II: Stress talk project

Outreach/Education, Trevor Stephen, NM


Integrating Balance and Strength Training to Build Farmworker Community

Outreach/Education, Esmeralda Mandujano, UC Davis, CA


Increasing Climate Change-Related Mental Health Awareness and Resiliency

Outreach/Education, Maud Powell, OSU, OR


Los Colibris Promotores Program

Outreach/Education, Esmeralda Garza, De Colores Resource Center, CA



CRT Community Restorative/Wellness Training

Professional Development, Elena Velez, CA


CRT Community Restorative/Wellness Training

Outreach/Education, Elena Velez, CA


Building & Strengthening the People of the Land

Outreach/Education, Trevor Stephen, NM


Soil Health, Mental Health: Growing Together

Outreach/Education, Dr Joseph Carrica, CO


Suicide Prevention & Safe Spaces Outreach with Agricultural Workers

Translation, Debi Allessio, Children's Home Society of WA


Rural Mental Health Support in Hispanic Agricultural Workers

Outreach/Education, Debi Allessio, Children's Home Society of WA


Lowering Stress and Reducing Mental Health Stigma Through Physical Activity

Professional Development, Michelle Grocke, MSU Extension, MT


Mental Health First Aid Training

Professional Development, Kevin Meenaghan, Wardroom Success Strategies, WA


Growing Extension Mindsets and Capacity for Mental Health Education in Small Pacific Island States

Professional Development, Kuan Ju Chen, University of Guam


Idaho Rural Mental Health Development

Outreach/Education, Talje Hoene, University of Idaho, ID


Salud Integral

Outreach/Education, Leticia Rivera, Comunidades Sin Fonteras, WA


Arizona Agriculture & Rural Mental Health Program

Outreach/Education, Ashley Jeffers-Sample, University of AZ


Farmer Wellness Weekend Workshop

Outreach/Education, Lori Mercer, Clinton Wilson, Chad Reznicek, WA


Interpreting the WRASAP Baseline Survey in California for Farmworker Participation Translation

Esmeralda Mandujano, UC Davis, CA



Mental Health Technical Capacity Building within Hawaii Farmers Union

Professional Development, Anabelle Bruch, HFUU, HI


Billings, MT Regional Workshop

Professional Development, James Craig- Colorado AgrAbility, CO


Thinking About Thinking for Agricultural Communities

Professional Development, LaVerne McGrath, WA


Developing Capacity in Farmworkers Serving Agricultural Communities

Professional Development, Maria Dod, The Professional Tax Services, CA


Behavioral Health's cross-cultural journey and the implications for WRASAP

Professional Development, Julie Jesmer, WRASAP, WA


Youth Mental Health First Aid

Professional Development, Oakesdale School District, Jake Dingman, WA


Addressing Stressors in Guam's Agriculture

Translation, Kuan Ju Chen, University of Guam


Providing Acceptance & Commitment Training (ACT) Skills for Farmers and Ranchers

Outreach/Education, Jacob Hadfield, Heather Kelley, Josh Dallin, Utah St, UT


Hawai'i Farmers Union United Peer Assistance & Outreach Network

Outreach/Education, Anabelle Bruch, HFUU, HI


Building Community & Connections with Migrant Farmers (Thai/Laotian)

Translation, Anabelle Bruch, HFUU, HI


Baseline Survey Phase 2

Outreach/Education, Dr Kuan Ju-Chen, University of Guam


Colorado AgrAbility AGSCI Website

Outreach/Education, James Craig, Colorado AgrAbility, CO


Mental Awareness & Resiliency Training in Territorial & Small Island States

Outreach/Education, Virendra Verma & Kuan Ju-Chen, NMI Community College and UOG, Guam


Colorado AgrAbility Project COMET Training

Outreach/Education, Chad Reznicek, CO State, CO


Mitigating Risk for Livestock Producers in Hawaii

Outreach/Education, Shannon Sand, Univ of HI


Homesteading for Healing Farmer Veterans

Outreach/Education, Dr Tabitha Garvin-Betancourt, The Rocking Tree Farm, MT


QPR for Montana Agricultural Communities

Outreach/Education, Dr Allison Brennan, MSU, MT